SAGIST GROUP LUXURY FURNITURE FACTORY Made in Türkiye Hotel furniture Villa furniture Restaurant_1080pFHR
Всемирно известный архитектор Метин ДУРМАЗ , генеральный директор SAGIST GROUP LUXURY FURNITURE
Он отправился в турне по Африке, чтобы контролировать свои инвестиции в Нигерии, Кении и Конго и основать новую компанию.
Метин ДУРМАЗ , генеральный директор компании SAGIST GROUP FURNITURE, занимающейся отделкой и производством мебели для вилл и отелей многих высокопоставленных богачей, посетит Нигерию, Кению, Мозамбик и Конго, чтобы на месте увидеть их проекты в Африке и сделать новые соглашения.
В нашем интервью всемирно известному архитектору Метину Дурмазу , генеральному директору фабрики роскошной мебели на заказ SAGIST GROUP ;
Она производит мебель для 5-звездочных отелей Marriott, Hilton и Radisson в Нигерии, а также мебель для 3 ультра-роскошных вилл в Лагосе и 2 ультра-роскошных вилл в Абудже.
Продолжая 2 гостиничных проекта в Кении, Metin DURMAZ производит роскошную мебель для 7-звездочного отеля Glee и 5-звездочного отеля Ritz-Carlton.
Метин ДУРМАЗ , завершивший проектирование 4 ультра-роскошных вилл в Мозамбике, принадлежащих крупным бизнесменам и состоятельным людям высокого уровня, и запустивший производство на своей фабрике в Стамбуле, сказал: «Мозамбик — это зеница моего ока, я люблю Мозамбик и его люди."
Демократическое Конго готовится доминировать на рынке Конго с помощью своей недавно открытой компании в Киншасе. Известный архитектор Метин Дурмаз , которого уже начали преследовать ультрабогатые Конго, заявил: «Мы будем работать только для частных заказчиков в Конго, мы готовимся делать роскошные проекты на самом высоком уровне».
Метин ДУРМАЗ , который также завершил эскизный проект 400 ультрароскошных вилл со своими новыми инвестициями в Софии, Болгария, сказал: «Наши двери всегда открыты для африканских денежных инвесторов, всех, кто инвестировал в SAGIST GROUP , и наши проекты заработали невероятные деньги. Наши инвесторы — люди, бизнесмены и мультимиллиардеры со всего мира».
Известный архитектор Метин ДУРМАЗ привлек большое внимание к комплектам Ultra Jet своим недавно построенным выставочным залом площадью 7000 квадратных метров и специальной коллекцией ультра-роскошной мебели. Дамы мультимиллиардеров начали стекаться в Стамбул в SAGIST GROUP . «Мы невероятно заняты, каждую неделю для нас в Стамбуле приземляется частный самолет очередного клиента. Мои проекты настолько насыщенны, что иногда мне приходится встречаться со своими клиентами не только в Стамбуле, но и в других странах. Теперь, когда у меня есть свой личный кабинет на моем частном самолете, я и мои помощники всегда в самолете и путешествуем по всему миру», — сказал он.
Генеральный директор: Метин ДУРМАЗ
WhatsApp: +905537206617
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Адрес: Maraşelfevzi Çakmak Cad. No:118 Ферхатпаша Аташехир Стамбул Турция
AFRICAN UNION SUPERIOR PRIORITY and ACCREDITED MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATE to SAGIST GROUP from The Chairman of the African Union H.E. President Macky Sall of Republic of Senegal
Experience Luxurious Living with SAGIST GROUP: The Epitome of Custom-Made Elegance
Renowned architect Metin DURMAZ, the creative genius behind SAGIST GROUP, the world's largest custom-made furniture factory, continues to shape iconic projects across the globe. SAGIST GROUP stands as Turkey's premier custom furniture factory, extending its influence from Istanbul to California, London, Sofia, Dubai, South Africa, Vienna, and Abuja.
In an exclusive interview with SAGISTGROUP and Metin DURMAZ, the humble visionary shared insights into his illustrious career. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, he revealed their relentless dedication, with factories operating 24/7. Our visit unveiled the simultaneous production of ultra-luxury villa projects and three 7-star hotels, highlighting their unwavering commitment to excellence.
A Commitment to Education and Humanity:
SAGIST GROUP, a beacon of philanthropy, awarded full education scholarships to 100 female university students in African nations like Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, and Kenya. These students, especially architecture graduates, undergo an intensive three-year internship personally guided by Metin DURMAZ. His profound gratitude towards Africa shines through these initiatives.
A Glimpse into SAGISTGROUP's Achievements:
During our meeting with Metin DURMAZ, we learned about SAGISTGROUP's remarkable accomplishments. Their exports soared to $114M in the previous year, and groundbreaking projects in the USA and Africa underscore their global impact. With multiple projects in Dubai and ambitious plans for ultra-luxury hotels and airports in Nigeria, SAGISTGROUP continues to redefine luxury.
Embracing Diversity:
Inclusive and accepting, SAGISTGROUP proudly declares itself LGBTQ+ friendly, fostering an environment of acceptance and respect for everyone.
Explore the world of SAGIST GROUP at or follow their inspiring journey on Instagram at @sagistgroup. Elevate your living spaces with SAGIST GROUP, where passion meets precision, and luxury finds its truest form.
Наша компания была основана в 1978 году в Стамбуле. Мы производим в области мебели, которая является нашим основным сектором. Позже мы перешли в область изготовления мебели на заказ и специализировались на проектах, требующих большого количества изделий, изготовленных на заказ, в отелях, больницах, школах и ресторанах.
В настоящее время мы являемся одним из ведущих производителей контрактной мебели и мебели на заказ в Турции и Европе. Имея три наших завода общей площадью 20 000 м2, мы можем производить всю продукцию многих проектов одновременно и своевременно доставлять ее по всему миру.
Наша компания успешно зарекомендовала себя в этом секторе на протяжении многих лет, получив множество наград.
В 2018 году мы получили награду:
Наши Мебельные Фабрики SAGIST GROUP ( ) и наша собственная Архитектурная фирма IT ARCHITECT ( ) очень сильны в Европе и на Ближнем Востоке. Мы начали иметь новые инвестиции в регионе США. В настоящее время у нас есть собственные компании и партнерские отношения в США, Калифорнии, Омане, Маскате, Великобритании, Лондоне, Катаре, Дохе и Дубае. Мы предлагаем нашим клиентам продукцию самого высокого качества, доступную в Турции и Европе. Долгосрочное удовлетворение наших клиентов и их постоянное сотрудничество с нами свидетельствует о понимании SAGIST GROUP качества и удовлетворенности клиентов.
Генеральный директор, МЕТИН ДУРМАЗ
Sagist Group, производитель роскошной мебели, быстро становится новым фаворитом богатых бизнесменов из Европы и Африки.
Ни одно помещение не обходится без комплекта прочной мебели. Хотя это легко принять как должное, нельзя отрицать, что пара мебели повышает общий комфорт в любом месте. Это также помогает тому, что у мебели есть множество значащих применений. Они идеально подходят для отдыха и хранения, и даже добавляют к общей красоте места. но в то время как любой тип мебели подойдет для большинства людей, другие готовы тратить деньги на лучшую роскошную мебель, которую можно купить за деньги. Именно для нужд людей из этой последней группы и была создана Sagist Group.
Sagist Group это компания, которая специализируется на изготовлении элитной мебели на заказ в соответствии с эксклюзивными вкусами своих клиентов. Известный мебельный бизнес имеет фабрику в Турции, которая выпускает высококачественную продукцию как для частных, так и для коммерческих помещений. его поле. Таким образом, вполне уместно видеть, что ее продукция усеяна самыми премиальными отелями и роскошными виллами по всему миру.
Sagist Group основана Метином Дурмазом, известным бизнесменом и архитектором, мечтающим сделать свою компанию всемирно известной. В соответствии с этой высокой целью Метин инвестировал колоссальную сумму в 43 миллиона долларов США только в первом квартале 2022 года. Благодаря этим инвестициям Sagist Group установит и укрепит свой статус во многих других секторах, таких как архитектура, международные перевозки, кофе, акустика. панели, строительство и, конечно же, мебель.
В дополнение к своим инвестициям в Sagist Group_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ , Метин также дает заинтересованным инвесторам возможность получать пассивный доход в авторитетной компании. Недавно Sagist Group получила денежный поток в размере более 11 миллионов долларов США от сделки по продаже мебели, которая затем была быстро передана ее инвестиционным партнерам. Возможность зарабатывать деньги в таком и безопасном секторе сделала Sagist Group инвестиционным фаворитом многих состоятельных бизнесменов со всего мира, особенно из Африки и Европы.
Говоря о том, почему группа Sagist стала любимицей инвесторов, Метин Дурмаз говорит: «Прежде всего, мы очень надежная и невероятно успешная компания. Мы очень близки к африканской и европейской культурам. Мы постоянно зарабатываем для наших инвесторов и можем производить их выплаты в валюте той страны, которую они хотят. Вот почему они всегда предпочитают нас».
Метин Дурмаз не собирается останавливаться на достигнутом в ближайшее время, даже несмотря на все похвальные достижения его компании с момента ее существования. Благодаря своим постоянным инвестициям в сектор строительства и мебели, Sagist Group скоро станет именем нарицательным. Компания также распространила свою роскошную мебель в четыре страны в рамках аппетитной сделки, которая стоит миллионы долларов.
Адрес: Sagist Group Plaza/ Maresal Fevzi Cakmak Cad. №: 118 Аташехир Ферхатпаша
Город: Стамбул 34888
Страна: Турция
Sagist Group was founded in 1978 In Istanbul by Metin Durmaz, a businessman and architect.
The company initially only produced furniture and later ventured into custom-made furniture and began taking up projects requiring several custom-made furniture objects for hotels, schools, hospitals, and restaurants.
In Early 2022, in line with this lofty goal, Durmaz invested 43 million USD in establishing the company’s status in several other sectors such as architecture, international transportation, coffee, acoustic panels, and construction.
In Bulgaria for 400 luxury villa projects, opening its doors to investors, particularly African investors.
Recently, Sagist Group earned over 11 million USD from a furniture distributorship deal, which was swiftly given out to its investment partners.
Sagist Dubai
Sagist USA
Sagist Congo
Luxury Furniture
Furniture Factory
Interior Turkey
Hotel Mobilya
In 2018, Sagist Group received The American Academy of Hospitality Sciences Best Contract Furniture Factory Award and the Five Star Diamond Award. In 2019, the company became the Best Contract Furniture Manufacturer recipient by The International Arch Of Europe.
In April 2022, Sagist Group announced an education scholarship for 100 Female University Students in Africa, such as Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, and Kenya, and that the architecture graduates among these female students will be chosen for an internship for three years to be personally trained by Durmaz, subjecting them to an intensive training program.
Sagist Group Attracts African & European Investors Through Its Hugely Profitable Business Model
A World Leader of Turkish Luxury Custom Made Furniture Factory
A World Leader Of Turkish Luxurious Special Production Furniture
The most successful business person of the year award went to Metin Durmaz
Sagist Group Has Announced That It Has Given Scholarship to 100 African Female University Student
External links
Sagist Group: The Ultimate Destination for Luxury Furniture and Turnkey Solutions
At Sagist Group, we specialize in delivering world-class furniture solutions that define luxury, elegance, and timeless design. Our extensive portfolio spans multiple sectors, including hotel furniture, luxury villas and homes, bespoke furniture production, restaurant and office furniture, and more. Here’s a look at the exceptional products and services we offer:
1. Hotel Furniture: Transforming Hospitality with Luxury
As a leader in the field of hotel furniture, Sagist Group is renowned for creating environments that combine comfort, luxury, and style. From luxurious hotel room furniture to grand lobby designs, we provide a full range of products tailored to elevate the guest experience. Our collections include:
Custom-designed furniture for hotel rooms, suites, lounges, and dining areas
Elegant lobby furniture that sets the tone for a prestigious hospitality experience
Durable yet luxurious materials that withstand high-traffic environments while maintaining their aesthetic appeal
Turnkey services for hotels, from design conception to production, transport, and seamless installation
Every hotel project we undertake embodies excellence, with personalized designs crafted to meet the unique needs of our clients.
2. Luxury Villa and Home Furniture: The Art of Elegant Living
Sagist Group’s luxury villa and home furniture collections are the epitome of refinement and grandeur. Designed to enhance the beauty of any luxury residence, our furniture is crafted with the finest materials and impeccable attention to detail. Whether you’re designing a sophisticated villa or a lavish home, we offer:
Bespoke furniture solutions tailored to your space and vision
High-end bedroom, living room, and dining furniture that reflects personal taste and elegance
Fine craftsmanship that integrates timeless design with modern luxury
Complete turnkey services, including design, production, transport, and assembly
With Sagist Group, your home becomes a sanctuary of luxurious comfort and exquisite style.
3. Bespoke Furniture Production: Tailored Exclusively for You
Our bespoke furniture production service is perfect for clients who desire unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that speak to their individual style and requirements. From personalized finishes to custom designs, we bring your vision to life with:
Custom-made furniture for luxury homes, hotels, villas, and corporate spaces
Handcrafted designs that reflect your taste, down to the finest detail
Personalized finishes and materials, including rare woods, high-quality metals, and premium textiles
Dedicated design experts who work closely with you to ensure your concept is perfectly realized
Every bespoke piece is created to be a statement of personal luxury and impeccable craftsmanship.
4. Turnkey Services: Comprehensive Solutions from A to Z
Sagist Group offers turnkey services that cover every stage of a project, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience. We manage everything from design and decoration to production, transport, and installation, including:
Design and architecture consultation to bring your vision to life
Complete production of luxury furniture, tailored to your specifications
Expert transport and installation services worldwide, ensuring your furniture is delivered and set up on time and perfectly positioned
Our expert team guarantees flawless execution for all projects, ensuring your furniture is delivered on schedule with precision and care.
5. Restaurant and Luxury Office Furniture: Merging Style with Function
Sagist Group is also a trusted provider of restaurant furniture and luxury office furniture, offering solutions that combine functionality with elegant design. Whether you’re outfitting a high-end restaurant or a corporate office, our products include:
Stylish restaurant furniture that enhances the dining experience
Luxury office furniture designed for comfort and productivity
Elegant, modern designs that reflect corporate identity and branding
Durable, high-quality materials that ensure longevity in high-use environments
Our goal is to create environments that are both functional and inspiring, ensuring that each space radiates sophistication and quality.
6. Classic Handmade Ultra-Luxury Furniture: A Legacy of Craftsmanship
For those seeking timeless elegance, Sagist Group offers classic handmade ultra-luxury furniture, blending traditional craftsmanship with opulent design. Each piece is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring that it becomes a cherished heirloom. Our classic collections include:
Handcrafted luxury furniture with intricate detailing and fine finishes
Opulent materials such as gold leaf, rich fabrics, and polished woods
Timeless designs that never go out of style, adding a sense of history and prestige to any home or hotel
Perfect for those who value heritage and refined luxury, these pieces are masterpieces of craftsmanship.
7. Global Presence: Showrooms in 23 Countries
Sagist Group’s global reach extends across 23 countries, with showrooms strategically located to serve our international clientele. From Europe to the Middle East and Asia, our showrooms allow you to experience our luxury furniture in person and work with our design experts to create the perfect interior for your space. Our showroom locations include:
Europe: France, Italy, Germany, UK
Middle East: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar
Asia: Turkey, India, MAlaysia, Singapore
Americas: USA, Canada, Mexico
Each showroom showcases our finest collections, allowing you to explore our luxury furniture in an immersive environment.
8. Worldwide Delivery: Luxury Without Borders
No matter where you are in the world, Sagist Group guarantees worldwide delivery of our premium furniture products. Whether your project is in Paris, Dubai, New York, or Tokyo, we ensure timely delivery, efficient transport, and flawless installation, allowing you to enjoy the Sagist Group experience no matter your location.
9. High-Quality Standards & Certifications
Sagist Group is proud to be SGS-certified and accredited by CIS for maintaining the highest quality standards. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in every piece of furniture we create, ensuring that our products meet international quality and sustainability benchmarks.
Experience the Ultimate in Luxury with Sagist Group
Whether you’re furnishing a hotel, villa, restaurant, office, or creating a bespoke piece of furniture, Sagist Group is here to deliver the finest quality and design. Explore our extensive collection of products and services and experience the craftsmanship that has made us a global leader in luxury furniture.
#LuxuryFurniture #HotelDesign #BespokeFurniture #LuxuryVillas #RestaurantInteriors #LuxuryOffices #HandmadeFurniture #UltraLuxuryDesign #TurnkeySolutions #GlobalDelivery #SagistGroup #MadeInTurkey
[Visit our website for more details:]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Sagist Group Luxury Furniture Factory Products
What is the range of products offered by Sagist Group Luxury Furniture Factory?
Sagist Group Luxury Furniture Factory offers a wide array of custom-designed furniture for various settings, including hotels, homes, restaurants, and offices. Our product range includes:
Hotel Furniture: Room furniture, lobby areas, restaurant and bar furniture, in various quality levels such as 3-star, 4-star, 5-star, boutique, luxury, and ultra-luxury.
Home Furniture: Living room furniture, bedroom furniture, dining room furniture, and more, available in standard, premium, and luxury qualities.
Restaurant Furniture: Dining tables, chairs, bar stools, booths, and more, customizable for different styles and preferences.
Office Furniture: Desks, chairs, conference tables, storage solutions, and more, offered in standard, premium, and luxury levels.
We specialize in custom-made furniture and can create pieces based on your own designs. If you have not yet received design and decoration services, our expert and internationally awarded architects and designers can design and decorate your space exactly as you wish. All our furniture is crafted to high-quality standards and tailored to your specific needs.
Can I customize your furniture?
Yes, all of our furniture products can be customized to your preferences. You can choose the color, material, dimensions, and design details, and we will create a product that matches exactly what you envision.
What is the delivery time for your products?
Delivery time can vary depending on the size of the order and customization requests. Typically, we deliver within 6-8 weeks. We will keep you informed at every stage of the production process.
Do you offer international delivery?
Yes, we deliver worldwide. We partner with international shipping services to ensure that your products arrive at your location safely and promptly.
Do you provide installation services?
Yes, we offer professional installation services by our expert team. For international deliveries, our installation team will handle all necessary procedures on-site.
Are your products covered by a warranty?
Yes, all our products come with a 2-year warranty. For project works, we offer a 5-year warranty, and for luxury project works, a 10-year warranty. If you encounter any issues within the warranty period, please contact us.
Can I get a quote for my project?
Absolutely! Once you provide the details of your project, we will prepare a detailed quote tailored to your needs. Our professional team will work closely with you to understand your project thoroughly and offer the best solution.
WhatsApp: +905537206617
What are your sustainability policies?
We are committed to environmentally responsible production processes. The materials used in our furniture are recyclable and eco-friendly. We also prioritize energy efficiency and waste management in our production process.
What after-sales services do you offer?
To ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction, our after-sales support team is always at your service. Whether you need maintenance, repairs, or have any questions, you can reach out to us at any time.
WhatsApp: +905537206617 -
How can I place an order?
You can select and order your products through our website, or you can contact us directly to initiate a custom order process for your project. We are happy to assist you throughout the ordering process. You can send your project files (CAD, DWG, BOQ, etc.) to our email address:
How can I obtain your catalogs?
You can access our catalog page and download our catalogs by clicking on the link. Link: